Embark on the Journey of Embodiment
“Maybe you are searching among the branches, for what only appears in the roots.”
– Rumi
Somatic Exploration of Embodied Awareness
Let’s open up a space to explore the sense of what it means to be embodied.
Through meditation, movement, soundscape, breath and sensation let’s take a deep somatic dive into direct experience. Let’s taste the body’s natural capacity for unwinding and become the space from which the unravelling of deeply held tensions can occur.
When these tensions release we experience spaciousness around our conditioned and reactive ways of being. Energy becomes uninhibited and moves effortlessly and easefully through our bodies.
This is an invitation for you to disengage with your habitual way of doing life through subtle mental filters and open up to what is alive under the surface. To plunge into non-conceptual awareness through intentional somatic inquiry and presence. To listen for the non-verbal response of the body. To access true intimacy with reality.
Upcoming events.
How Intimate can we be with experience?
I am here to help you notice, lovingly accept and subsequently disrupt your habitual patterns that are preventing you from experiencing the spontaneous vivid fullness of this life. If you have a deep desire to live your life more authentically with joy then this space is for you.